Brief update..... my days fly by most of the time I rest. Six hours a day with my leg in the CPM machine. Walking fairly well on crutches, but am pooped after about 5 min. Have taken outings to grocery store (good for down and back one isle) and drug store (wandered for about 10 min). My husband and I plan to go to a movie today, we have a cool theater where the seats are leather couches. Hopefully at the 1:30 show no one will be upset when I take a whole big couch to myself. Several projects that I planned to do (including blogging) are hard to find the time for.
Good luck with the healing! I'll be looking forward to something similar when I have my shoulder worked on. I have two large tears in the rotator cuff that make life miserable.
If anyone deserves that leather couch, it's you. I haven't seen a movie in the theater - well, I can't even remember. Oh, the days.
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