Monday, July 21, 2008

Moving Day

No way to tread lightly here. I haven't blogged, really in months. Those close to me have seen changes, bold but gradual. Don't be startled- the comprehensive update in bullets- I am leaving this city for the beautiful eastern coast, taking a faculty position at an University, uprooting my husband, having a baby in December.

The movers are packing, literally right now. Our life in boxes, the usual order dismantled- including wireless router. I am grateful for an unknown gracious neighbor from whom I am pirating WiFi. With my recent sad goodbyes a good friend told me I need to start blogging again. Especially since I am moving away and leaving so many dear friends behind. So here I begin again.

One big concern, and a reason I have been silent is the veil of anonymity. I really like writing about my life, feelings and relationships. As I leave training and become a real "professional" I need to either write less specific or go deeper under cover. Probably not a good idea for my patients to find my blog. Haven't completely reconciled this yet- but fully intend to post updates and pics of my new life here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on all your news! I live on the east coast and it is gorgeous out here.

I, too, have had concerns about blogging and anonymity. I eventually decided that since I'm an English teacher and I have a few courses specifically on writing, I can say it is a personal way of practicing what I preach. I wish you luck in finding a balance between your personal life and professional life and how you decide what to share here. Perhaps the best way to veil yourself is to strip all reference to your name and home from the blog. I know many people who have striped their blogs down to initials and faceless or blurred head photos, too. Whatever you choose, I'll still read! :)