Friday, December 14, 2007

Worst days of a life

Walking over from the parking garage this morning I walked through the worst day of a families life. Three women gathered outside of the Cardiothoracic ICU grief stricken. Who knows what was happening- I just passed by. So this is what happens after doctors deliver news. We are taught to be clear, firm and strong. Compassionate by acting immune to their response- providing a sense of order. The doctor, the one in control, has seen to it that everything that could be done has been done. Their response, whatever form grief takes is allowed, welcomed. On occasion the physician's eyes may well up with tears- the most rare form on tears I am told- tears of compassion. For only a moment, however before rushing off to the next patient. Leaving the family there, living the reality they cannot escape. Played out in the dramas of life each of us takes our turn in the role of physician, family and even patient.

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