Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Brooks Brothers Break-down

Please tell me that this has happened to someone else. This afternoon I cried in the Brooks Brothers dressing room. Idiot. So much for the "not loathing my body" mentality. And for the spiritual balance. Several professional projects coming to fruition, a big business meeting in Chicago this weekend. My larger than normal ass has been in yoga pants for the majority of the winter- and my super cute pant suits just do not fit.

As for the crying, two ladies were helping me. One asked my size, and I said oh I am not sure. I recently had surgery and gained weight, and I am not sure how things will fit. One said, are you on a diet now? Do you plan to loose the weight? Wow that thought hadn't actually occurred to me. Just give me the frickin' size jumbo fitted shirt for me to stuff under my interview suit from 5 years ago and let me get out of here!

A triple latte later I regrouped and boldly entered Ann Taylor. Found a nice black and white woven jacket. Will wear with white shirt and comfortable black pants. Found red jeweled necklace that will pop. Not exactly a suit, but will be passable.

So still reciting the mantra..... I am not my body. Cripes I am almost to the point where I can do enough exercise to get a cardio work-out. In the mean time it is excruciating- I would run and hide- if only I could run.......

1 comment:

Romance said...

ahhhh, poor you... I cannot really imagine what it would be like to have such a long period without any real cardio...and I felt sorry for myself when I had to do aqua running.... god bless Ann Taylor- more than once an AT blazer has saved my day... hang in there...