Thursday, March 27, 2008

One point for the pink team

Watching a professional in action. The men fear her. Stiletto heels, purple business suit and some serious chutzpa. Wow, I have never actually had my picture on a poster before- she said referring to the large advertisement we created for her visit. Yes the poster, the flier for lecture attendees, invite for tea with medical students planned for this afternoon. The details. It is my thing. Chit chat, however for me is a more deliberate effort. Our ride to the hospital from her hotel was casual. I was quite impressed when the people we talked about in the car received props during her talk. She chatted with me, and from my answers... this physician is interested in this, so and so taught me that, etc. This is the business of academic medicine. I suppose you do not become Professor without a significant mastery.

My favorite moment so far- last night at dinner. The indignation from the female faculty members when one of our fellows mentioned that the male fellows undress in our office. They choose to change from scrubs to dress clothes in front of us. Okay I know everyone stands around in their underwear on Grey's Anatomy- but this is real life and the locker room is right across the hall! Perhaps these boys feel more comfortable standing in their boxers surrounded by photos of cheerleaders and women with large naked breasts. Oh yea. This is what is posted in their cubicles.

So I spend time (and talent) fostering mentoring from women in cardiology. Why? Because the more I see of these successful, talented, gracious women the stronger I feel about my career, and life actually. But deeper even- I am out for revenge. Not an ugly kind- but just the type where the underdog good guy (girl) wins at the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most excellent! Let's rack up those points! :)