Friday, April 25, 2008

New Steps

Reading over at Life of a Busy Little Bee, Jen is approaching a gap. Plans are tight for the rest of the school year, followed by an array of options to be punctuated by a major life event- A Wedding!

Thinking of my summer- the end of my fellowship, an unknown next step. Seems huge. My rather sudden change of plans and fresh job search. Are we moving? Will be in academics? Private practice? Considering the radical re-alignment I do feel at peace. As if saying no that will not work for me, and getting off the train that was barreling in the wrong direction was a critical step. A needed moment of clarification, pause to unify my gifts and desires.

And then there is the husband, "Just try something else for a while, and if that doesn't work move on. It is never the END of the world." Well said for a man who may again be following his bride across the country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's always this time of year, isn't it. I was reviewing my posts from last spring and they all had the same feeling of being overwhelmed by options. I suppose that is far better than limited options.

I look forward to seeing where your own path leads, too!