Sunday, April 6, 2008

Fateful step

Last Monday. My first day back in heels..... conquered the massive convention center. Back to the hotel at the end of a successful day- change into a cute black dress (and sensible black flats) ready for a fun night out in Chicago. Confidently stride out of my hotel onto Michigan Avenue. Rainy gloomy spring weather, typical of the Windy City. A warm evening, but wet from a day of rain. Three blocks from the restaurant. Thinking about the exciting people I met that day. Thinking of the big events in the upcoming week. Thinking of the nice glass of red wine waiting for me. Thinking of plenty things, except my step.... and whoa, right foot out, left foot back, hands in front, down I go. No, not the hokey poky. It was me, biting it on a wet sidewalk in Chicago.

A deep breath later, surveying the damage. Left hip- still there, no pain, good. Left knee, planted into one of those metal grates, ouch. "Honey are you okay?" a tall lurking man says voice straining to hold back a chuckle. "I don't know" I stammered as I stood up slowly and walked off a little less confidently. Pausing at the next street corner, surveying the damage- deep cuts in the knee. Considering the options, now two blocks from the restaurant I decide to seek the solace of friends- expecting other cards fellows assembled for the drug rep dinner.

I step into the restaurant with blood running down my leg and eyes welled- only to find instead of a group of friends- my program director and the drug rep. Welcome they say.... still not yet ready for complete sentences I get out.... can't- stay- dinner.... and the boss quickly realizes something is wrong. Now quite embarrassed about my state I accept his offer to hail a cab and I am on my way back to my hotel.

I find a Walgreen's. Purchase bandages, neosporine and as any girl would do in that situation- a pint of Ben & Jerry's for dinner. Nursing my wounds bloody and emotional I find solace in chocolate fudge brownie.

So I made it home safely. My knee looks rather gnarly, and my swim and bike routine has been suspended for the week. My hip was a little sore for a few days- but no major damage. Another lesson in humility- so much for big girls don't cry at work- all for sure I will recover from in time.

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