Monday, February 25, 2008

Hip Update

I am reaching the 6 week post-op magical date. This is when I stop taking the medications. Anti-inflammatory to prevent heterotopic bone formation. Aspirin to prevent blood clots. Lexapro because I don't want to take it anymore, and I prescribed it anyway.

Update of wound healing...... this was taken last week.

Compared to POD#5 you can appreciate the improvement!

And the wrist? One year of healing, my scar is white, flat and smooth. Secrets?
  • Scar massage, rubbing skin to loosen from connective tissue below.
  • Vitamin E/Coca butter lotion, applied daily for first few months.
  • The SPF 45 sun-block all summer, if fresh scar is exposed to the sun, it will turn pink or blue

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