Thursday, August 30, 2007

Message for hip community

In my medical training I have watched patients and families deal with illness for years.

Over the past several months the experience of being a patient has changed my perspective. It is difficult to deal with pain, physical limitations and new knowledge of undeniable congenital skeletal abnormalities. Like many of you, I liked feeling strong, powerful and invincible. Dealing with my illness has been a struggle. I have been writing about my thoughts in this blog.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Thank God! A doctor that understands this terrible world of chronic hip pain and all the layers of life it effects! You will be such a better Dr. for it. I am having surgery w/ Dr. Thomas Byrd on 9/11 after 4 years of unrelenting chronic hip pain. I was a very active parent and life-long athlete previous to this injury. For a living I WAS a group fitness instructor and personal trainer. Suddenly all that went away. I can't wait for my surgery!!!! Thanks for your post so we can know there actually is a Dr. that understands!!!!! (I have been to 19 since my injury and most just blew me off....but I never gave up!)